We Believe in you from the inside out. So be true to you.

Our Story

Eli Colta is the founder of this band and she is the linch pin in keeping it alive. It started with Eli Colta writing songs and wanting to see them released in the world. She met up with many band mates over many years. None quite fit or they didn’t stick around. Finally she found one talented guitarist that fit with her style. A friend from chico many years before. They reunited and started to jam. They came up with some song ideas. The guitarist (who will remain nameless) soon after got back with a girlfriend who would not allow him to play in the band because it was led by a Eli Colta (aka a female). After loosing her guitarist, Eli Colta realized that she could not create a band that would be vulnerable to the whims of the jealous partners or other dramas in the world so she started Classic Valor which is led and owned by Eli Colta. She paid an incredible producer to bring her songs to life and he did. She built the website, created the logo, worked with her producer to record her music and now is releasing the band’s first single. The band currently consists of Eli Colta and an incredible producer but open to bring in the right musicians to become a part of it. 


Classic Valor’s first single Zombies was released on October 7th 2022. Look for it!!

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Unprofessionally recorded Samples of upcoming music tracks

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